Recycle with KwikBagit and skip the plastic bag

Recycle with KwikBagit and skip the plastic bag

When you go to SARCAN to recycle your bottles and containers, the idea is to do better for the environment. Why then, are we okay with sending plastic bags to the landfill as a byproduct of that eco act of service? If you can believe it, 400 big ol’ plastic bags get tossed in the trash every day at just one SARCAN location. There’s 70 locations in the province so oh my gosh, that math is GROSS. Unfortunately, right now the onus is on the consumer, and we must do better. Meet the Saskatchewan invention that offers a solution: KwikBagit. The reusable bag and sturdy stand might just be the most helpful thing for the environment and the community that I’ve shared on my blog.

KwikBagit is the brainchild of Saskatoon’s Harold Sokyrka. It’s a breathable bag (meaning instead of collecting stinky moisture in a plastic bag, they dry out) with a leakproof bottom that expands to 3x its size. It’s also fully machine washable and will last for years and years. It stretches over a fully collapsible yet very solid stand. I made a YouTube video because you’ve gotta see the product in action to get it:

I posted about KwikBagit on my Instagram recently and said it would make a solid Shark Tank pitch but getting to know Harold, I’ve learned that it’s not about the profit so much as it is about doing good for the environment and our community. He donated bags for the Meewasin clean ups so they don’t have to trash a bunch of plastic ones year after year. And he’s working on something pretty amazing with Cosmo Industries, a non-profit whose supported work opportunities often revolve around recycling (I’ll share the announcement when the time comes). Harold’s KwikBagit system is the real deal.

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There are lots of applications for this product, from the Sarcan collection I mentioned to other times you could use an open bag that won’t tip over, being that the stand sizes to your need. I’m thinking laundry, yard waste (there’s a dedicated KwikBagit for it), sport balls in the yard (just put your netted bag on the stand), or camping supplies. And if you purchase the snap-on lid, you’ve got an extra little table while you’re camping or by the BBQ.

You can find KwikBagit online and very soon, at Saskatoon Co-Op stores. It would make a great Father’s Day gift for the guy who is enviro-minded, appreciates a well-appointed garage, or is always telling you he doesn’t need anything. Here’s something he does need ;)

xo Maygen

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