Where to meet people & make friends in Saskatoon

Where to meet people & make friends in Saskatoon

In my DMs on Instagram, I get a lot of questions about where to eat, what to do, or who to contact for hair, photos, or makeup in Saskatoon. But the other day, I got a question that made me take pause: my reader is moving to the city and asked how to make friends here.

How would you respond? I had some ideas but I’m sure you’ve got more! Let’s make this a living list, welcoming newcomers to the city with a blueprint to where our doors are. Because whether someone is new to Saskatoon and looking to start relationships within the community or they’re established in town but have room for more great folks in their life, there are so many ways to connect in the city of bridges. Here are my suggestions:

Follow me on Instagram. This isn’t just self-promotion! Every Thursday morning, I list weekend events plus, I share about city happenings in my stories on the regular. There’s a reason I get the questions I get— because I do my best to stay in the know for you! CLICK HERE to follow.

Get a(nother) job. Workplaces are where so many friendships are born but nowadays, working from home is the norm and that opportunity has evaporated. But what if you picked one of your passions or hobbies and took just a few hours at a job that overlaps? A greenhouse would pair you with other green thumbs, a cafe would get you chatting all shift long, a bookstore would connect you with other bookworms, you get the idea. I worked at Gap 1 time/week for a few years because it was so nice to be on a fun team (and hey, can’t argue with the discount).

Join a team. Are you sporty? There are lots of leagues for all levels and active interests (my husband plays soccer and basketball but there are non-traditional teams like dodgeball and Ultimate Frisbee as well). Here are some adult leagues you can look into (offerings are seasonal):

Take an interest class. What better way to put yourself in the same room as like-minded people? Think:

  • Trail of the Heart horsemanship, coaching, and reflection classes with Soul Equine

Join a club or group based on your interest.

Play music? Check out:

Into theatre? Take an acting class or audition for one of our city’s productions (don’t forget about Summer Players).

Join a book club. The Gloss is a membership meet-up that sounds lovely! You can also find one on Facebook or join the Buena Vista Community Association book club.

Register for a fitness class. I won’t list them all because there are just SO MANY (Google for proof and then read some reviews!) but I will mention that the Saskatoon Pole & Dance Studio is a welcoming, vibrant community that I’ve made many connections in and I’ve also made friends in my Dancepiration cardio salsa class. Yoga classes also tend to attract open people— one of my follwers said Ground Yoga was the catalyst to friendships in their life.

Gamers unite. Join the local D & D Facebook page to get in a game, play pinball at Pokeys Cafe, or join the Twitch community. Amazing Stories and Dragons Den also sometimes put on events.

Get involved with the community association whether on the board, as a coach, as a bookkeeper, or otherwise.

Take a community association program. There are all kinds of offerings and you are welcome to register with more than one Community Association.

Do you have a small business? Collaborate with other small businesses! I loved this suggestion from Ally of Ally’s Cake Creations who said that many of her friendships started from working with other women in related niches. You can find local websites via Google, or pages on Instagram using hashtags like #saskatoonbusiness or #shoplocalyxe. Then, send a message to connect!

Be active on local Facebook pages. To find yours, enter your neighborhood name in the Facebook search bar and look through your options. For example, I’m part of the Stonebridge Parents group, Stonebridge Buy & Sell group, and Stonebridge Neighborhood Watch group. You can also join Saskatoon facebook offerings like DoSask, Saskatoon News, Saskatoon Events, and more niched groups and pages.

Volunteer at a non-profit. I’ve met so many awesome women through my 20 years volunteering with Girl Guides of Canada. Here’s a list of volunteer opportunities in Saskatoon.

Get political. Whatever your leaning, there’s a party that wants you to volunteer with them! Political beliefs are a big part of who you are so you’ll definitely be in like-minded company.

Attend community events. I list many on my Instagram page but you can also look for posters, follow Discover Saskatoon, look at the Family Fun site, and stay up to date with your Facebook groups. I recently went solo to a Meewasin dinner where I got to sit with some really interesting, common-interest people I’d never met— it’s worth putting yourself out there.

Get involved in art. There’s something to look at so between saying first hellos, you can pause naturally. Follow galleries on social media or sign up for their email lists so you can make it out to receptions and special showings. Here are links to a few gallery pages: Remai Modern, Collector’s Choice, Gordon Snelgrove, Saskatchewan Craft Council, Wanuskewin, Rouge . And why not find some local artists to follow on social media using hashtags like #yxeart— they will post about events and openings, too.

Join professional networks. If you’re a young professional, check out SYPE. Other opportunities are Saskatoon Women’s Network, The Chamber, IABC , Saskatoon Construction Association, and NSBA Sask.

Go to church. Google your denomination (or non-denomination) and map it out.

Walk your dog at an off-leash. Here’s a list of our city’s beautiful dog parks.

Shop local. Farmer’s Markets and local shops not only connect you with the community, they’re great places to hear about other going-ons in town. I’ve made a few friends by shopping locally and actually ended up working at my favourite store & subsequently marrying a man who owned it… so this might be my hottest tip ;)

Join parent-present activities. Parent friendships could be a whole post unto itself. Here are just a few suggestions and though not every parent will have the time for them, but many worked for me:

Open Door Society. Are you new to Canada? Open Door is your best resource! Their mission is to help you feel welcome in your new country and get you participating in this diverse community of Saskatoon. There is a variety of programming available, focused on education and support.

Go online. There are friend finder apps and sites! Check out We3 app , Bumble BFF , and Meet Friend, or visit Meetup.com to browse a ton of upcoming social opportunities. And if you’re on Discord or Reddit, ask questions or join in the local discussions.

I hope a few of these jumped out at you! Or, if you’ve suggestions to add, please let me know and I’ll edit accordingly. The best part about Saskatoon is how our community works together.

xo Maygen

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